Thursday, November 05, 2009

Rhaphigaster nebulosa

The bug feeds on various broadleaved woody plants. Occasionally it sucks on dead insects. In late spring the female sticks around 40 eggs in lines or discs on different parts of plants. The young bugs which hatch vary in colour and are flightless. Wing stumps are only recognisable after the third nymph stage. To protect against predators, young bugs have stink glands on their back; in the case of adults, these are to be found on the underside of the thorax. If threatened, a strong-smelling secretion is released. They are not good fliers; their sluggish flight makes loud humming noises.

This species displays diurnal, thermophilic activity. As with most Pentatomidae, it produces only one generation per year. It likes to overwinter on walls covered with ivy. In its search for suitable winter quarters (splits and cracks) it often unwittingly finds its way into houses.

This species produces a plethora of eggs when disturbed in its habitat. Angering or threatening the bug produces an off white colored secretion which can be harmful if swallowed. The chemicals in the secretion allow the eggs to continue to fertilize in any environment, even those which are highly acidic/basic. To prevent these excretions, this bug should not be killed by any means.

~ Wikipedia

This is good to know if I ever go to Europe. See mom? Some bugs shouldn't be killed. XD

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