Thursday, April 08, 2010

A Rainbow of Isopods

While researching Giant Isopods I came across some true beauties that I had no clue even existed. As you can see from the 2 examples the isopod world is more colorful then we give them credit for.

I think the striped one is a pill millipede ( that's for another post ) but enjoy the colors! You also get info with link provided below!

Seeing this makes me love them even more!

Some More! ( includes more photos )

Stay tuned!

1 comment:

Wicked said...

The bluish isopod on top isn’t a color morph it’s carrying a virus which causes them to turn that color I seen this too and dug further into it because I wanted to get some that’s when I found out about the virus, it actually originated in Europe but it’s made it’s way to California these don’t have long to live.